Thursday, May 15, 2014

Deployment Box #2 - Going Nuts!

I just finished up box number two. Need to finish filling out the customs form but then this one will be on its way. This one I felt like I had a lot more to put into it, a little bit of an easier theme I guess. This one was all nut themed. I had a lot of fun cutting out my little squirrel and acorns. I glued them all on but then also used packing tape over them because I know that this box has a long way to travel and they usually arrive in pretty sad condition.

Items included in this box were:
  • Corn nuts (not really a nut but I was it was funny that it kinda fit with it)
  • Peanut butter
  • Roasted Peanuts
  • Cashews
  • Nature Valley bars (Almond and Peanut butter)
  • Pistachios (Not pictured)
  • Oatmeal (Berry and pecan, also not pictured)
Well box number 2 is done, I wish that the faster I put these together the faster time would move so he could come home soon, but I will just have to keep busy and eventually it will be homecoming. 

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